Musings From A Bookmammal

WWW Wednesday–5/7/14


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To join this weekly meme hosted by MizB, just answer these three questions:


hiddenI love books written from alternating points of view, and I admire authors who are able to pull off this technique in a believable way. “Hidden” by Catherine McKenzie fits this description well—it’s told through the viewpoints of three people—a husband who is killed in the first chapter, his wife, and another woman who may or may not have been his lover. The story brings up questions of trust, betrayal, how well we really know the ones we love, and whether telling the truth is always the best policy. I think this would be a great book club selection!


chestnut streetI miss Maeve Binchy. “Scarlet Feather” is one of my all-time favorite novels, and I’ve enjoyed many of her other books as well. ”Chestnut Street”, published after her recent death, is actually a collection of short vignettes and character studies—the common link is that each character either lives on Chestnut Street or is somehow connected to a person living in that neighborhood. I’m about half-way through and I’m enjoying each chapter more than the last! So far none of the characters have met each other, but I won’t be surprised if that happens eventually. If you’ve been a fan of Binchy in the past, pick this one up!


As usual, I have no idea! I have a big stack of library books, plus I’ve bought a lot of used books recently. I’ll just have to see what I’m in the mood to dig into when the time comes.

How about you? Have you read either of these? What are you reading these days? Please share! 

Author: bookmammal

I love books, reading, writing, cooking, eating, reading while eating, and sharing thoughts about all of the above–plus a bit more! I usually post about topics relating to books and literacy during the week, and then participate in a variety of non-bookish memes on the weekend. Please feel free to join in! Some random things about me– –I have multiple bookshelves in every room of my home except the bathroom. They’re all filled to bursting. They help to make my house my home. –I have two cats who I love dearly, but who I definitely do NOT dress in human clothing. Ever. –I’ve never had a cavity. –I make a mean spaghetti sauce. –I’m a newcomer to yoga and I love it. –My day is not complete without a little chocolate.

18 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday–5/7/14

  1. Hidden looks excellent! I hope you enjoy your books this week.

  2. I just finished reading one of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books, The Truth, and and about to into one of my least favorites of his, Monstrous Regiment–but I do like to read them in order. And I am in the middle of Lee Child, his Jack Reacher series, “Never Go Back” is the title and its a cracking good read. I understand little of the logistics of army fandangoes, so I read for the character and his particular story line. But since i usually have two or three books running simultaneously, (one here one there and one for the purse) it’s hard to say what will come to hand next.
    I know of Maeve Binchy, not sure Ive read anything by her; might be a good “next author ‘ to look for.

  3. I picked up Chestnut Street because I miss Ms. Binchy so.

  4. I love Maeve Binchy…great reading selections. Here’s my WWW

  5. I miss Maeve Binchy too. I remember getting Light a Penny Candle for my first Christmas when I’d left home and sitting mesmerised by the way she wrote, her stories were always full of hope which was just what I needed at that time. I think you know what I’m going to say about Hidden, that is a book I’d love to read but I’m not supposed to be adding any more at the moment 😉

  6. Hidden looks like my sort of book! Here’s my link

  7. Thanks for the heads up on the Binchey book. I didn’t know she died. I’ll definitely be looking for that one.

    • I think she passed away about two years ago–but there have been two books published since then. One that was ready to go before she died, and then this one, which was put together from a collection of writings that were found after her death.

  8. I heard good things about Chesnut Street! Hope you enjoy it!
    Here’s mine:

  9. HIDDEN sounds so interesting BM! As for Maeve Binchy, I haven’t heard about her but will definitely check her out now.
    Here is my WWW –

  10. Maeve Binchy is long due on my list.. need to grab a book soon! Here’s my WWW post:

  11. Pingback: Friday Finds (May 9) | Cleopatra Loves Books

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