Musings From A Bookmammal

On Hiatus . . . But Still Reading!


Hello there!

I’ve been pretty quiet here lately—I haven’t written a post since December 1, and I sure haven’t been visiting and commenting on as many blogs as usual. I’ve been traveling a lot more for my job recently, and that has definitely cut into my regular routine. (The up side is that when you’re sitting in airports, it’s a perfect excuse to read!) So—this post is to say that my blog is going on hiatus for the foreseeable future. I’ll still be visiting your blogs—and hopefully commenting more than I have been recently—and, of course, I’ll still be reading and updating what I’ve read and what I want to read on my Goodreads account.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season, and hope that each of you finds a very special book under the tree!

Author: bookmammal

I love books, reading, writing, cooking, eating, reading while eating, and sharing thoughts about all of the above–plus a bit more! I usually post about topics relating to books and literacy during the week, and then participate in a variety of non-bookish memes on the weekend. Please feel free to join in! Some random things about me– –I have multiple bookshelves in every room of my home except the bathroom. They’re all filled to bursting. They help to make my house my home. –I have two cats who I love dearly, but who I definitely do NOT dress in human clothing. Ever. –I’ve never had a cavity. –I make a mean spaghetti sauce. –I’m a newcomer to yoga and I love it. –My day is not complete without a little chocolate.

9 thoughts on “On Hiatus . . . But Still Reading!

  1. Thanks fro the update. Will follow you on Goodreads.

    Happy holidays! 😀

  2. Happy Holidays! And happy reading! It sucks that you won’t be posting for a while but we understand how hectic life can get.

  3. Safe travels! And happy holidays. 😀

  4. Happy holidays! Life can certainly get crazy – take your time!

  5. Enjoy the holidays and hope to see you back soon!

  6. Happy Holidays and I hope the travel eases up next year. See you on goodreads 🙂

  7. happy holidays! have fun! 🙂

  8. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and here’s to more time to read in 2015!

  9. Happy Holidays!! That is what I love about this time of year . . . more time for reading!

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