Musings From A Bookmammal

K is for What KIND Of Reader Are You?–The April A-Z Challenge/Day 11


KWelcome to Day #11 of the April A to Z Challenge, where participants are challenged to create a post every day (except Sundays) corresponding to the appropriate letter of the alphabet. If you’d like to learn more, hit the badge on my sidebar.

I’ll be posting about bookish topics each day of the challenge. Here’s today’s post:


We’re all READERS—but what KIND of reader are you?

The great infographic below is Laura E. Kelly’s take on the classic charts of plants and other living things that we all remember from high school (You can click on the image to visit her site). She’s cleverly adapted that theme to create classifications of close to 50 (!) kinds of reader species—from people who view their books as precious display objects to readers who don’t really like to read!

Where do YOU fit in? What kind of reader are you? I’m wiling to bet that you’ll find yourself somewhere!  Please leave a comment and share which reading species matches up to your reading habits. It might be more than one–I’m pretty sure I’m a combo pack of the Compulsive Book Worshipper and the Situational Omnireader! Enjoy!

Image credit: Laura E. Kelly



Author: bookmammal

I love books, reading, writing, cooking, eating, reading while eating, and sharing thoughts about all of the above–plus a bit more! I usually post about topics relating to books and literacy during the week, and then participate in a variety of non-bookish memes on the weekend. Please feel free to join in! Some random things about me– –I have multiple bookshelves in every room of my home except the bathroom. They’re all filled to bursting. They help to make my house my home. –I have two cats who I love dearly, but who I definitely do NOT dress in human clothing. Ever. –I’ve never had a cavity. –I make a mean spaghetti sauce. –I’m a newcomer to yoga and I love it. –My day is not complete without a little chocolate.

16 thoughts on “K is for What KIND Of Reader Are You?–The April A-Z Challenge/Day 11

  1. That’s a fantastic graphic, but I just couldn’t decide what I was! I ended up with 6 categories. Compulsive re-reader and situation comfort reader and definitely top ones though. I’m so guilty of re-reading books multiple times. And I’m similar to you with the omni-reading too. I read cereal boxes, posters, safety instructions, terms and conditions… You never know when it might come in handy 🙂

    • I know–I probably fit into several categories and subcategories, but I picked my top 2. I am definitely a huge re-reader, as you are. And I am absolutely in the Omni-reader category–if something is nearby that contains print of any kind, chances are I’m going to read it!

  2. Same here – I ended up with a lot of categories! I guess the most relevant for me is the “Travel Reader” because I usually read on my subway commute or in waiting rooms or any other time when it’s a time-killing sort of thing. I rarely just sit down to read – I have so much else to do!

  3. Hi ! A great post once again I see ! 🙂 I am a combination of the compulsive OCD reader + compulsive book buyer + social evangelist (only difference being I don’t just ask them but actually nag them 😀 )

    • Thanks!
      I’m a social evangelist about certain books–sometimes it’s all I can do to hold myself back from approaching people I don’t even know well and saying “You HAVE TO read this great book!”

  4. Great post! I’m a book cheriser! I have all the “symptoms” apart from the reading in one sitting thing. I’m glad I didn’t turn out to be an abuser… Doesn’t sound that good. On the other hand,, I don’t think there’s such a thing as reading too much!

    • Unfortunately, my cats are sometimes book abusers. I’ve learned to keep books–especially books from the library–away from them, as they sometimes like to chew on the corners.

  5. LOL I think I have a little of a lot of them. I’m going free range though. Very nice 🙂

    Happy A to Z-ing!
    herding cats & burning soup.

  6. I’ve been known to do some hate reading – though recently I requested a book from NetGalley that I thought I was going to hate – and it turned out I really liked it, you just never know. Other than that, I’m really a free-range reader. 🙂 Anytime, anywhere, most books.

    Thanks for linking up with Spread the Love!

  7. OH my I’m definitely a Book Hoarder! And very much a Book Clubber. I’m also a bit of a Multitasker, somewhat a Kindle Convert, a Traveling Reader, definitely an Audiobook Listener, as well as a Sleepy Bedtime Reader and Bathroom Reader. Ok I should stop now. So many apply!

  8. I guess I’m a free-range “it’s complicated” reader. Re-reader, Chronological reader, Delayed onset reader, and a little bit of an Evangelist. Sorry about that…

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